Not all webbing materials are created equally in that some function better in different environments and perform different duties. It is too common to find individuals using the wrong webbing material for a specific job. The webbing can break, fray, and get damaged when this happens. This could end up causing the need for replacement materials, but in worst-case scenarios, the webbing can break while it is working. To avoid dangerous situations and expensive replacements, you need webbing material carefully designed to perform how you need it.
What is the best option for outdoor webbing?
When webbing lives or spends most of its time outdoors, it must contend with three main elements:
1) Rain
2) Wind
3) UV rays
To make lawn furniture or sporting equipment that lasts, you need to make sure the material you use can withstand the three above elements. Polyester, when dry, is not as strong as nylon. When wet, however, poly webbing becomes the smarter choice. While wet, it remains strong without stretching—nylon, potentially dangerous when nylon begins to stretch. Polyester is seen as a strong contender for material options for strictly outdoor use. Polyester resists mildew, abrasion, and rot. The material is often used to reinforce shade sales and other similar shade structures. You can also find the material used for hiking gear and handbags. Poly webbing is a valid options for outdoor webbing materials. If you know the exact specifications of the webbing, meaning what it is used for, you can make a smart choice while shopping.