Many people are familiar with cord locks due to camping. Indeed, mountaineers and other outdoors enthusiasts are able to use cord locks for a quick and reliable way to help tie down gear. Even with big gloves and in cold or stormy conditions, a cord lock is a fast and easy mechanism for fastening equipment. However, campers and rangers aren't the only people who can find helpful uses for cord locks.
A cord lock can be used to fasten elastic cords and strings. This makes them incredibly adaptable for any number of items or occasions. A dual-opening cord lock can be fantastic for certain bags or sacks. The dual lock allows you to cinch the cord to a more manageable level, so that you aren't allowing a large opening. When you're outdoors, this is great for keeping trash or large bundles of items out of the way. Sometimes, drawstrings can wear down over time, so a cord lock can be a good way to add reinforcement to an otherwise loose closure.
Of course, camping gear isn't the only way to use a cord lock. Sweaters, jackets, and even jogging pants can also have strings that need fastening. A standard cord lock or a flat-top cord lock can be a great way to get those strings under control, so that you aren't constantly having to readjust and control that length of string. Older jackets or coats can especially be susceptible to those sorts of issues. Many people find a ball cord lock to be ideal for outerwear. It may also work better for your clothing as an accessory due to its shape. You may find it more comfortable or simply more manageable for your apparel.
Regardless of whether you need a double-opening cord lock, a box cord lock or a square cord lock, one of the main benefits is the ease of use. Plastic cord locks are fairly simple in construction. Each cord lock features a barrel, toggle (or plunger), and a spring. All you have to do is press down to release the tension of the spring. Once you let go, the spring bounces back and your cord or string should be held in place. That's about as easy a fastening device as you're likely to find.