At first glance, it may seem hard to pick the right webbing material for your specific needs, but if you take the time to consider four essential components of your needs, it is easy to narrow down your options. When making a choice, you need to consider these four necessary things.
What dyes and coloring needs do you have?
Nylon webbing is typically colored brightly, but the material’s colors fade with prolonged exposure to the sun. Older nylon can look patchy, pale, and even dull. The colors in colorfast polyester will not bleed.
What strength do you need for your ropes?
Both nylon and polyester webbing are typically very strong, but polypropylene webbing is not strong. Polyester webbing is known to have a lower breaking point when compared to nylon webbing. Nylon loses strength when wet, and as a result, it will stretch, whereas polyester webbing remains strong while wet.
What level of durability do you need?
All three material types are considered very durable, but of the three, nylon webbing stands out in terms of strength and durability. You can commonly find nylon being used to create luggage straps, belts, and dog leashes.
How will you use the webbing?
Each material stands out in different categories, so knowing how you will use webbing should narrow down your options. Rock climbing gear is typically made from polyester, whereas the military uses nylon. Polyester is often used for creating seatbelts.